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What kind of preparations are needed to do before run a trailer concrete pump on job site ?

sourceSaintyol DAWIN Original


Whenever and wherever you want to run a trailer concrete pump or a mixing pump on job site you need to do the preparations firstly, this instruction may give you some suggestions about it.
What kind of preparations are needed to do before run a trailer concrete pump on job site ?
Concrete Mixing Pump Concrete Mixer with Pump
1.To the S tube, each parts are complete fine and clean, to ensure the fastener connection fastness.

2.To the water tank, full the water tank within clean water, no obvious leakages, to handle it well once checked out there are water leakages reasons.

3.To the loading hopper. It should be kept clean, no concrete residue, the mixing blades should be fastened and no damage or shape changes.
concrete mixer with pump job site works
4.To the hydraulic oil, oil level properly, quality good.

5.To the concrete pump hydraulic system appearance. Each pump, oil motor, valves should meet the requirement, connecting the oil tubes fastened, sealed better, and no jams, no extraordinary sounds when running couplers to make every pumps running. The action of the reversing valve should be sensitive and position connected.
concrete pump with mixers
6.To the trailer concrete pump electrical components, all the switches should be under the rule condition.

7.To the concrete pump delivery pipe. To check every pipes to ensure the inside clean and smooth, outlook appearance no broken or shape changes. Clamps and screws should be fastened and clean. The rubber “O”ring inside of the clamps should completely fine and elastic. No concrete dry residue. The concrete pump pipe paving should be leveling, fastened, the supporting structure fixed and fastened, and no touching the shapes masses which would damage the pipes.
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